2016-01-06 - New UI release (Coulson) Fixes to stability, scalability and the upcoming v2 APIs Fixed a bug where probe SOS messages were not recorded with certain types of probe resolvers Added an experimental feature to limit measurements based on results per day requested, instead of number of probes or measurements The "doughnut" in the credit history page now leads to the measurements mentioned therein The measurement API now denies measurement specifications that are known to be unfulfillable Fixed a bug where the quicklook page didn't update the map and the list after first answer Added anchor IPv4/IPv6 comparison links to more (logical) places Most maps now include the timestamp of the shown measurement Added a "success indicator" to the probe tab for all traceroute measurements Added a quick AS name lookup feature to the list of probes involved in a measurement Added experimental first_connected and last_connected fields to the probe API DomainMON now uses the NSID bit too Added a "RIPE NCC watermark" to some of the visualisations 2016-01-13 - New UI release (Deadpool) Preparations for credit "standing orders" More maps support filtering on result keys Enhanced the layout for the probe involvement log of a measurement The measurement API is now a bit more forgiving when asking for probes that are not available at the time of specifying a measurement 2016-01-27 - New UI release (Elektra, Flash) Introduced "standing credit orders" to regularly transfer credits Fixed a bug in the measurement form about the interaction between area/type fields Fixed a bug about tzinfo on [first|last]_connected in probe status (API) Fix inconsistency about probe bandwidth in the UI Many internal changes in API handling 2016-02-04 - New UI release (Groot) Major reshuffling of the web site menu structure Many layout changes and enhancements to user interaction Release of a new "overall daily resource use" limit feature, meant to be more flexible that the current max measurements / max probes 2016-02-17 - New UI release (Harley Quinn) Fix an issue of not using proper ISO8601 times on the measurement probe list Fixed a regression that prevented usage of tags when adding more probes to a measurement Added a better explanation of the "measurement spread" control Enabled support for "my measurements" with API keys in API v2 Fixed an issue where data download queries resulted in 500 errors, if the queried time interval did not overlap with the measurement run interval Improved response time when querying for traceroute results for measurements involving lots of probes Allow stopping measurements that have been scheduled to start in the future Fixed an issue which in some cases prevented creating new domainmon zones Revamped the roadmap pages 2016-02-24 - New UI release (Iron Man) Added a packet loss column for the probes' list for ping measurements Various changes in UI to support client-side data table filtering Enabled easier navigation from the anchors list to individual anchors Fix inconsistencies in probe bandwidth limitations Added TLSA queries to DNS measurements 2016-03-09 - New UI release (Jean Grey) Preparations for major application framework version change Various changes in UI to support client-side data table filtering Enabled the "bill to another user" feature in the measurement form and the corresponding credit-sharing feature Fixed a bug in the probe API preventing filtering by distance 2016-03-16 - New UI release (Kitty Pryde) Finalisation / documentation of the v2 APIs Release of the "bill to someone else" feature, as part of "sharing credits with colleagues" Stop time in calendar in measurement creation page was confused with UTC Various bugfixes to ambassador checks Various adjustments to users with negative credit balance 2016-03-23 - New UI release (Lois Lane) Various internal upgrades Enhancements to the ambassador and anchor administration LatencyMON: improve documentation about the axis 2016-04-07 - New UI release (Northstar) Stability, usability and performance fixes in the UI Changes to l-root IPv6 address Fix an issue in the measurement form not handling reloads of stop time properly 2016-04-13 - New UI release (Oracle) Started to collect historical changes of RIPE Atlas anchors (expecting the first lifecycle events coming up soon) Added an ability to have news items on the opening page Various changes to LatencyMON, deprecate seismograph Anchor-measurements API (opens new window) now exposes type of measurement by default Lots of changes to the API v2 documentation Restarting the "you're out of credits" warning system 2016-04-20 - New UI release (Poison Ivy) Various enhancements to internal functioning and consistency. Added a new tab to the probe status page to describe various good (and bad) probe conditions Added a "prevent_resolving" field to skip the preliminary DNS check of targets, in case the target doesn't (yet) exist in DNS at the time of scheduling the measurement 2016-05-04 - New UI release (Quicksilver) Many internal changes for stability and scalability Upgraded bits and pieces of the documentation Changed layout of probes involved in a measurement on the measurement status page Fixed an issue where some traceroutes showed negative packet loss Updated LatencyMON documentation Various minor changes to LatencyMON 2016-05-11 - New UI release (Ramona Flowers) As usual: many stability and scalability improvements Added "topology measurements" to all probes as new "built-in measurements" The number of probes was wrong in some cases on the measurement detail page Fixed an issue where some non-DNS measurements could show an invalid include_abuf configuration option Fixed a bug where some probe registrations did not behave correctly Internal preparations for WiFi measurements 2016-06-29 - New UI release (Superman, Thor, Ultron) Various changes to anchor management functions and the data streaming service Preparations for WiFi measurements (UI, API, probe firmware, ...) Fix some probes with wrong geolocation Fixes to minor QuickLook and API filtering bugs Fixed a bug where maps didn't properly filter for countries 2016-07-06 - New UI release (Valkyrie) Various enhancements for API internals Development of the upcoming WiFi measurements Various fixes to DomainMON and probe system tags 2016-07-20 - New UI release (Wonder Woman, Xavier) Lots of internal changes about scalability and testability Added total_uptime field to API Fixed a bug where in rare case the scheduler did not start a measurement Fixed some inconsistencies regarding the example API call section in the measurement form Users logins now preserve the full URI of the current page so that (for example) upon return the user is taken to the same tab as before Fixed an issue where one-off measurements initiated in the UI form were rejected Several changes needed because of anchor lifecycle replacements Expose first_connected and total_uptime values to the probe archive API 2016-07-27 - New UI release (Yorick) Fix adding measurements to an existing DomainMON domain Work on the upcoming probe deployment API 2016-08-03 - New UI release (Zatanna) Adding logic to deal with potential IPv4 (or IPv6) only anchors Changes to probe archive API Internal changes for improved stability and security Documenting the new "bonus for results delivered" feature 2016-08-10 - New UI release (Ancile) 2016-08-17 - New UI release (Babelfish) 2016-08-24 - New UI release (Crocea Mors) Fixed a typo (tsla_record vs. tlsa_record) in the API Enhance prepend_probe_id field docs Roadmap layout improvements Ambassador management improvements Check ASN entered when applying for an anchor 2016-08-31 - New UI release (Dyrnwyn) New LatencyMON release Separate out the system-ipv6-doesnt-work explanation for the IPV6 ULA case When probe is connected but there are no SOS messages, show info instead of warning as nothing is actually wrong More robust error checking on participation-requests Fixed issue adding servers to DomainMON zone 2016-09-07 - New UI release (Excalibur) Lots of internal changes in preparation for an upcoming application framework update Deprecated the v1 API documentation Changes to the measurement detail page layout Changes to page caching, especially on the documentation pages 2016-09-14 - New UI release (Fulcrum, Gungnir) Fix anchor map 'bubble' for IPv4 only anchors Fixes to LatencyMON labels Changed the API keys management: instead of one API key per function, from now on API keys can be assigned permissions, allowing users to combine as many functions to their keys as possible Lots of updates to the root DNS instances maps 2016-10-05 - New UI release (Holy Grail, ICE) Make the measurement listing pages more responsive Some more adjustments to the new API keys structure Make the probe status page more responsive for probes that send excessive SOS messages Fixed permissions for adding measurements into measurement groups 2016-10-12 - New UI release (Jubba Cloak) Optimisations to the caching mechanisms of API output Many updates to the API reference documentation 2016-11-16 - New UI release (λαβύρινθος) Numerous internal changes for stability and scalability Added a new "credits API" Fixed a bug that affected the probe view of some SSLcert measurements Added g-root IPv6 to the built-in measurements 2016-11-23 - New UI release (Mjölnir) Lots of internal changes for stability and scalability Make the ordering of "my measurements" consistent across pages Only suggest RIPE Atlas anchors when scheduling HTTP measurements Improve consistency in probe notification methods LatencyMON: document showMinimumByDefault Fix a few intermittent JavaScript errors on various pages The measurement creation UI is clearer about it using UTC times Make it easier for users to embed DomainMON in their own pages 2016-11-30 - New UI release (Nimbus 2000) Added a new pie chart about current credit status under "my Atlas" Fixed an issue in the measurement specification form where the date selector could pick the year 1899, which is before RIPE Atlas epoch Released LatencyMON ver Added API v2.2.0 with a new credits API 2016-12-07 - New UI release (One Ring) Enhanced piecharts for current income/expenses Improved manual location picker for probes Bugfix: ordering of in-Atlas messages was not always deterministic More features added to the credits API Better estimates of current and projected credits use Improved websocket-client handling related to ripe.atlas.cousteau Last Updated: Monday 15 July 2024