# UI/API changes

  • NEW: Pref for setting Mine tab as default for lists when logged in (instead of Public)
  • CHANGE: Using (old) Esri maps instead of OSM (all English labels)
  • CHANGE: Improved sorting of minRTTs, no reply, n/a
  • CHANGE: Measurement form now using modal popups for probe selection to clarify interaction
  • CHANGE: Measurement form create button disabled if nothing defined, shows number of msms that will be created
  • CHANGE: When adding probes in the measurement form, it will now ask you if you want to keep the default probes or remove them
  • CHANGE: Participation request table remove id col, add requested, add sorting on date col
  • CHANGE: Lookup AS Names in lists and put in tooltip
  • CHANGE: Rework map legend enable/disable logic when clicking on labels
  • CHANGE: Clearer map labels for TLS
  • CHANGE: RD bit set true by default for new DNS measurements
  • FIX: Column sorting on ambassador probe management card
  • FIX: Missing details on measurement details tab
  • FIX: Measurement results now showing probes even if there are 0 responses yet
  • FIX: Show error messages in TLS results
  • FIX: Quicklook completion and timeout detection
  • FIX: Losing nav sometimes if showing a django frame page
  • FIX: Show msm overview summary when no results in yet
  • FIX: Hide progress bar if search filter returns nothing
  • FIX: Don't allow download end dates in the future
  • TWEAK: Add quicklook note on empty map for users with no previous quicklook
  • TWEAK: On measurement results page, button will read "download results" for one-off and "download options" for periodic (which will then give date range options)
  • TWEAK: Disable download of periodic measurement data unless start/stop time entered
  • TWEAK: Add atlas watermark to maps
  • TWEAK: Colors on some labels
  • TWEAK: "No results" found instead of "No measurements" on measurement details
Last Updated: Tuesday 28 May 2024