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Measurement Query Parameters

Most of the generic query parameters apply to requests for measurement objects. You can use page and page_size to manipulate the number of objects and the pagination; you can use fields and optional_fields to set the fields you want in the response, and so on.

See here for more information on these.

Field Filters

You can filter on most responses that are included in a typical response for measurement objects. Fields like id, target_name, etc. can be used directly as filters:

GET /api/v2/measurements/?id=2000000
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For some fields, it is also possible to enter a range filter, i.e. a filter that selects a range specified by a list, or by a lower and an upper limit.

These range filters have special syntax for their query parameters.

The list range filter uses the syntax ?<FIELDNAME>__in=item1,item2. An example is:

GET /api/v2/measurements/?id__in=2000000,2000001,2000002
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The limit range filter uses the syntax <FIELDNAME> appended with either __gte, __gt, __lte or __lt. As mentioned earlier on gt and gte refer to greater than and greater than or equal. You can combine multiple query parameters to set upper and lower limits:

Query Parameters for probes and participation_requests

The fields probes and participation_requests are not included by default in a request for one or more measurements. You can include them, however, by specifying either fields=, without a value, or by specifying them as a value, i.e. fields=probes. In the latter case, you would only get back the specified field.

API Reference

A full list of all available fields and query parameters is available here.