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Fetching Measurement Results

A measurement result is the series of results of a single measurement performed by one single probe. This will usually consist of just one result only if the measurement was a one-off measurement.

If a measurement was performed by a probe, the measurement object will hold a URL in the field called result that points to its measurement result. The URL will always look like this:

GET /api/v2/measurements/2000000/results/?start=1431459634
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The response can be very large. For example, a probe that has been running a measurement for a year with an interval of one minute will return 525,600 responses in a single measurement results request.

RIPE Atlas will stream the actual response, so that you don't have to wait for the response to be completely assembled in the back-end. Instead, the back-end will start sending the response as soon as a single result is present.

The response and query parameters differ quite a lot from other APIs. The semantics and syntax of the response is documented in great detail here.

The measurement results API only takes two query parameters. They allow you to specify the time window for the returned measurement results. The lower limit is set with the start query parameter and the upper limit is set with the stop parameter. Both parameters require a UNIX timestamp as their input.

Another useful query parameter is probe_ids. It will take a comma separated list holding the IDs of the probes you want to obtain results from.

None of the generic query parameters work on the measurement result API.