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Base Attributes

A measurement definition contains a few base properties, and a myriad of type-specific options. For example, while all definitions have an af property, only traceroute measurements have a paris property.

Base Properties

These properties are available for all measurement types.

NameDescriptionDefaultRequired?Price Modifier
descriptionThe name you give this measurement. YES 
afThe address family. Must be either 4 or 6. YES 
typeThe type of measurement you're attempting to create. Must be one of: ping, traceroute, DNS, SSL or NTP. YES 
resolve_on_probeSet to "true" if you want the probe to resolve your target instead of the RIPE Atlas servers.false  
skip_dns_checkSet to "true" if you want to create the measurement even if the RIPE Atlas servers can't resolve your target.false  
is_oneoffSet this to "true" to make this measurement a one-off.false 2
start_timeTime when when this measurement must startglobal start_time or now  
stop_timeTime when when this measurement must stopglobal stop_time or never  
interval In normal (not one-off) measurements, this value represents the number of seconds between measurements by a single probe. Note that while interval is defined for each measurement type, the default varies, so check the appropriate section below for the default values. changes with type  
spread Distribution of probes' measurements throughout the interval. More info is herehalf the interval, maximum 400 seconds  
is_publicMake this measurement public, so other people can see the results.true