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Fields for all Definitions

The start_time, stop_time and is_oneoff fields

The start_time, stop_time and is_oneoff fields can be defined in both the root of the measurement creation request, or in a single measurement inside the definitions object of the POST payload. Specifying these filds in the root of the POST payload will result in their propagation to all measurements in the definitions object of the request unless it explicitely set in the definitions.

Note that start_time, stop_time and is_oneoff fields must be the same across all definitions. One-off measurements where is_oneoff is set must not have the stop_time field set. Failure to comply with these rules will reject the measurement creation and return an error.

The interval Field

The interval field can be set individually for every definition unless it is a wifi measurement group. Such measurements require the wifi measurement to be a group parent and must be in sync with it. Therefore the interval field is copied (overwritten) from the parent to all child definitions.

The spread Field

The spread field behaves the same way as the interval field. You can read more about the spread field here.

The bill_to Field

All measurements you create come at a cost. The cost of a measurement is estimated by RIPE Atlas in advance based on the number of probes, the interval and the start and stop times. However, the actual billing will be done when the measurements are performed by the probes. Normally the cost of a measurement will be billed to your own account.

The bill_to field allows you to charge the cost of a measurement to another user. Of course, you cannot charge random users. The user you want to charge will have to add you to their list of users that are allowed to charge their account.

You can read more about RIPE Atlas credits here.