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Installing an Anchor

Requirements and Specifications

Before getting started, please take a moment to read through the following requirements and specifications to ensure you're all set to begin setting up the RIPE Atlas anchor.

Network Requirements

Network-wise, RIPE Atlas hardware anchors:

  • Must have public IPv4 and IPv6
  • Must have native IPv4 and IPv6
  • IPv4 and IPv6 gateways must be from the same network prefix as the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; a link-local IPv6 gateway (e.g. fe80::1) is also possible
  • Static IPv4 and IPv6 addresses need to be unfiltered (not firewalled)
  • Require up to 10 Mbit bandwidth (it currently requires much less)

Hardware Specifications

There are two supported hardware models for RIPE Atlas Anchors:



  • Intel Celeron J1900 Quad Core Processor
  • Dual Gigabit Ethernet Ports
  • 4 GB of RAM
  • 250 GB 2.5" SSD
  • Short Depth 1U Rackmount (in inches): 9.84“ x 16.93” x 1.71"
  • No OS preinstalled
Protectli Vault FW2B - 2 Port

Protectli Vault FW2B - 2 Port

Physical Requirements for Hardware Anchors

The supported hardware anchors are 1U rack-mounted devices. The MITXPC has a single IEC C14 power connection, while the Protectli uses a region specific consumer power cable (Type C in Europe, for example).

Virtual Machine Specifications

  • x86_64-v2+ CPU
  • 4 GB of RAM
  • 50 GB of Disk Storage
Virtual Machine CPU Requirements

The Anchor's operating system requires a CPU that supports x86_64-v2 microarchitecture. You can read more about this here.

In general, "host-passthrough" (or similar setting) or supported CPU type should be configured on the hypervisor as many default CPU types do not meet the x86_64-v2 requirement. QEMU, for example, has a list of CPU types and their supported microarchitectures here.

Setup Your RIPE Atlas Anchor

Confirming Your Application

Once your anchor application has been confirmed, you will be able to see your anchor details in the "My Anchors" card on your dashboard. Your anchor hostname is automatically generated and will have the form country code-city code-asxxxxx. If you are not the ASN holder, the hostname will include the suffix -client.

Complete the Details on the "Anchors" Page

It is important that all the mandatory information is filled in for your anchor(s). You can manage this information by clicking on action links within the "My Anchors" dashboard card. Only then we will be able to send you the software image you need for your anchor. The dashboard can only be accessed if you are logged into your RIPE NCC Access account.

Download the Software

We will send you an email with a link to download the ISO installer for your anchor.

Preparing a USB for Installation on a Hardware Anchor

This ISO should be written directly onto the USB stick of at least 2 GB in capacity, using the Unix dd utility or something similar. Example instructions on how to do this can be found here.

Connect the Anchor to your Network

The anchor must be connected to your network and power and must be placed in front of your network's firewalls. You can decide what the best location is for it at your organisation. Be aware that the anchor may need up to 10Mbit bandwidth (currently much less). This is needed to guarantee the anchor can support the measurements that will be generated by the RIPE NCC, yourself, and other RIPE Atlas users. The network connection should be plugged into the eth0/eno1/enp1s0 ethernet port.

Install the Software

Hardware Anchor Installation

Unplug the power cable for your anchor. Plug the USB stick into your anchor on the USB port, then plug the power cable in. You will need to change the boot order temporarily to boot off the USB stick. The installation will automatically start and it will continue for about 30 minutes. Do not disconnect the USB stick or power cable during this period.

Virtual Anchor Installation

Select the ISO for use in the virtual cdrom and configure your virtual machine to boot from that device. The process can differ between hypervisors, so check your vendor's documentation on how to attach or use ISO files with your virtual machines.

Completing the Installation

After 30 minutes the installation should complete and reboot on its own. When you see a login prompt with your anchor's hostname, remove the USB stick or disconnect the ISO/cdrom device in the case of a Virtual MAchine. At this point, your anchor has the RIPE Atlas software on it and it is ready to be tested by the RIPE NCC.

It is important that once you have installed the software and connected the anchor, you log in to your RIPE Atlas account, go to the "Dashboard" menu and then "My Anchors" card, and check the items "Software is installed" and "Anchor is connected to the network" so the RIPE NCC gets notified and can begin these tests.

Pass Internal Tests to Verify Measurements are Possible

The RIPE NCC will perform some internal tests to check that the anchor is properly set up. If it isn't, we will contact you to troubleshoot.

NOTE: Your anchor will not be fully activated until we have finished these internal tests. We will notify you when they are complete.

Your Anchor has been Successfully Set Up!

Once all verifications are complete, the anchor will be fully activated and will become public:

  • You will be able to locate it on the map of anchors
  • It will appear on the list of anchors
  • You can use it as a probe for your own measurements
  • It will be added to the anchoring measurements that the RIPE NCC runs for you
  • You will start earning credits you can use to perform your own customised measurements