2024-01-05 - UI/API changes
- CHANGE: Add IPv4/6 toggle to DNS measurement definition in measurement form
- CHANGE: measurement form improved estimate (more precise)
- CHANGE: measurement form changes for traceroute (hide ext header size options if not v6)
- FIX: partial fix for favourite probes not showing (still need to deal with API caching issue)
- FIX: layout issues when toggling menu open/close
- FIX: anchors on coverage page, scrolling
- FIX: formatting of cols for probes/msm listings
- TWEAK: clarify UTC meaning in measurement form timepicker
2024-01-23 - UI/API changes
- NEW: Shared with me tab in new probes list (under Mine)
- FIX: all favourited probes now showing under favourites
- TWEAK: renaming of some tabs under Mine for clarity
- TWEAK: css cleanup
2024-02-05 - UI/API changes
- NEW: Sponsored tab under Mine on probes list
- FIX: Coverage map not rerendering selection after toggle
- FIX: Measurement form not always selecting all probes from prev measurement
- TWEAK: Renaming items in countries dropdown
- TWEAK: css cleanup
2024-03-13 - UI/API changes
- CHANGE: Defaults to one-off and 50 probes in measurement form
- CHANGE: Add use_macros option to DNS options in measurement form
- CHANGE: "Ongoing" in measurement (not status) references to "Periodic"
- FIX: double AS label in measurement form
- FIX: "Measurement created" banner not showing on second msm creation in measurement form
- FIX: Anchors list filter
- TWEAK: Formatting in various lists
- TWEAK: labels and naming on blank lists
2024-05-13 - UI/API changes
- NEW: Simplified navigation
- NEW: About pages for Atlas moved to www.ripe.net/ripe-atlas
- NEW: Dashboard
- ALL Users: Quick Start, News Flash, QuickLook Measurement, Credits, My Measurements, Messages, API Keys, Quotas
- Probe Hosts: My Probes
- Anchor Hosts: My Anchors
- RIPE NCC Members: Monthly Credits Claim
- Ambassadors: Probe Management, Events
- NEW: System status indicator on dashboard and table in Statistics
- NEW: Measurement detail pages
- Overview, Results, Detail and Manage tabs
- Ability to add or remove probes from a measurement
- Participation requests
- Improved map overview with summary insights
- Standalone pages for TraceMON and LatencyMON
- NEW: Preferences page
- NEW: Feedback page
- CHANGE: Measurement form: Resolve probe IDs on blur and add button
- CHANGE: Measurement form: Calculate costs to the minute
- CHANGE: Denser table layouts everywhere
- CHANGE: Coverage map: Zoom out to extents when clearing search
- FIX: dateTimepicker selection
- FIX: Table counts in various data tables
- FIX: Measurement form: remove false credit exceeded warning
- TWEAK: Maps opacity for easier marker reading
- TWEAK: Mobile rendering and spacing
2024-05-14 - UI/API changes
- NEW: Sponsor card on homepage
- FIX: Tags in measurement details now link to measurement search
- FIX: Credit history linking to new measurement details page
- FIX: Apply for probe button should link to new www info
- TWEAK: Formatting of tables in coverage
- TWEAK: Text of system status popup
- UPDATE: Menu/header component with fixes for click recognition and external login redirection
2024-05-28 - UI/API changes
- NEW: Pref for setting Mine tab as default for lists when logged in (instead of Public)
- CHANGE: Using (old) Esri maps instead of OSM (all English labels)
- CHANGE: Improved sorting of minRTTs, no reply, n/a
- CHANGE: Measurement form now using modal popups for probe selection to clarify interaction
- CHANGE: Measurement form create button disabled if nothing defined, shows number of msms that will be created
- CHANGE: When adding probes in the measurement form, it will now ask you if you want to keep the default probes or remove them
- CHANGE: Participation request table remove id col, add requested, add sorting on date col
- CHANGE: Lookup AS Names in lists and put in tooltip
- CHANGE: Rework map legend enable/disable logic when clicking on labels
- CHANGE: Clearer map labels for TLS
- CHANGE: RD bit set true by default for new DNS measurements
- FIX: Column sorting on ambassador probe management card
- FIX: Missing details on measurement details tab
- FIX: Measurement results now showing probes even if there are 0 responses yet
- FIX: Show error messages in TLS results
- FIX: Quicklook completion and timeout detection
- FIX: Losing nav sometimes if showing a django frame page
- FIX: Show msm overview summary when no results in yet
- FIX: Hide progress bar if search filter returns nothing
- FIX: Don't allow download end dates in the future
- TWEAK: Add quicklook note on empty map for users with no previous quicklook
- TWEAK: On measurement results page, button will read "download results" for one-off and "download options" for periodic (which will then give date range options)
- TWEAK: Disable download of periodic measurement data unless start/stop time entered
- TWEAK: Add atlas watermark to maps
- TWEAK: Colors on some labels
- TWEAK: "No results" found instead of "No measurements" on measurement details
2024-05-31 - UI/API changes
- NEW: Edit description and public status on measurement details
- CHANGE: Popup for traceroutes now centered and full size
- CHANGE: Add rDNS column to Traceroute tables in measurement results
- FIX: Number localisation in various places
- FIX: Total cost calculation in measurement details
- FIX: End date selection in measurement form
- FIX: Max map zoom for map data
- TWEAK: Make table scroll arrows more obvious
- TWEAK: Table formatting in coverage
2024-06-10 - UI/API changes
- NEW: Pref for using local time (vs UTC) everywhere
- NEW: Added local toggle to QuickLook for using probes close to user location
- CHANGE: Add traceroute table to msm overview map popups
- CHANGE: Make clearer the difference between no report (yet) vs no reply (from target)
- CHANGE: Map now resizes on larger screens in measurement overview
- CHANGE: Remove links and pref to old measurement details pages
- FIX: Traceroute sometimes missing min RTT in results table
- FIX: Income gauge chart not showing value in measurement form
- FIX: Start time unable to select future dates in measurement form
- FIX: Max start time in measurement form
- FIX: Map range error in measurement overview
- FIX: Coverage map not showing proper country when clicked on from pie charts
- FIX: Link to anchor image install from anchors card
- FIX: Do not show min rtt unless destination responded in msm results for traceroute
- TWEAK: Improve scroll arrow showing logic in data tables
- TWEAK: Make QuickStart role change button more obvious
2024-06-13 - UI/API changes
- CHANGE: Improve traceroute table popups with formatting and links to RIPEstat
- FIX: Search on Map was not displaying map on measurement form
- TWEAK: Change "Search" to "Search on Map" in measurement form
- TWEAK: Clarify search fields placeholder text
- TWEAK: Link formatting from maps
- TWEAK: Add labels to status selection dropdown on measurements list
- TWEAK: Harmonise dashboard card naming for "My" items
2024-06-25 - UI/API changes
- NEW: download transactions in credit history
- NEW: added toggles to allow hiding no reply/no report results in measurements details results
- CHANGE: rework sorting in measurements results details (min to max rtt, no reply, no report)
- CHANGE: map markers now sort from highest RTT on bottom to lowest RTT on top
- CHANGE: added summary detail for RTT to DNS measurement detail overview
- FIX: wrong colors on QuickLook card map tags
- FIX: bad measurement link in credits history
- FIX: redirect after logout while in prefs
- TWEAK: use name instead of slug for tags display in probes list
- TWEAK: cell wrapping in measurements listing table
- TWEAK: locale strings in credits
2024-06-27 - UI/API changes
- CHANGE: TLS summary improvements in measurement details overview
- CHANGE: Add support for "Written Off" probes
- CHANGE: Added subquery errors display to DNS measurement detail results
- FIX: http, ntp and ping rtt sorting in measurements detail results
- TWEAK: Make multi tabbed pages wrap on small screens
- TWEAK: Rework coverage map overlay legend
- TWEAK: Rename every instance of SSL to TLS
2024-07-12 - UI/API changes
- CHANGE: Multiple, non-modal, resizable, movable traceroute table popups in measurement results
- CHANGE: Extend no reply/no report toggles to TLS results
- CHANGE: Format of TLS certs to have one line for Subject and Issuer
- CHANGE: TLS measurement detail page if hostname present, add to summary info at top
- FIX: TLS tag checking logic (was missing SAN sometimes)
- FIX: TLS if hostname present use for checking tags (otherwise target)
- FIX: Missing result error message
- FIX: Quicklook card not properly showing no reply/no report items
- TWEAK: Move ASN column in traceroute tables in between Reverse DNS and RTTs
- TWEAK: Events card to link to attendees and take up more horizontal space
- TWEAK: Add larger paging options to measurement results
2024-07-18 - UI/API changes
- NEW: notifications prefs/templates
- CHANGE: under the hood: message formatting for ambassadors
- TWEAK: formatting in a few places, sass compatibility updates
2024-07-24 - UI/API changes
- NEW: Most observed answers filters on measurement overview map
- CHANGE: Most observed: group responses if all IPs match
- FIX: show missing answers in non abuf dns results
- FIX: Corrected doc links on Anchors list page
- FIX: Formatting and placement of filter dropdown menu on Internet Maps
- TWEAK: show email in use for notifications if not specified in prefs
- TWEAK: labels on measurement details
2024-08-19 - UI/API changes
- NEW: Advanced search for probes and measurement listing pages
- CHANGE: Header components with new icons to match ripe.net
- CHANGE: Anchors cache updated on demand (instead of 24 hours)
- CHANGE: Improved debounce, reduced error messaging on measurement form
- CHANGE: Better table handling when no data
- FIX: Many A11y improvements and tweaks (aria labels, contrast, etc)
- FIX: Corrected link in help menu
- FIX: Storing and sorting of url params in measurements list
- TWEAK: Anchors map marker sizing
2024-09-23 - UI/API changes
- NEW: Results ASNs in DNS measurement overview map
- CHANGE: Anchor list improvements (status, search, sorting)
- CHANGE: Ambassador Probe card now allows inline note editing
- CHANGE: Replace Highcharts with ApexCharts
- CHANGE: Advanced search: swap lower than/higher than, add start/stop with gt/lt options
- CHANGE: "other" outlinks moved to top of various pages (anchors, measurement details, etc)
- FIX: Typo in search text
- FIX: Clean up formatting in Ambassador Probe card
- FIX: Overview msm detail map not refreshing if new time data series loads
- TWEAK: Replace -1 with "All Probes" in msm details
2024-12-16 - UI/API changes
- NEW: Country spread checkbox option on measurement form
- NEW: Notifications prefs
- CHANGE: Add "show on map" to TLS measurement detail overview
- CHANGE: Remove tabs from probes list (and relocate public to column)
- CHANGE: News card now fed by API instead of static
- FIX: Default prefs setting (for general atlas user)
- FIX: Hide loading msg for asns if no asn present in probes list
- FIX: Remove empty hop cols from traceroute popups
- FIX: Prevent dragging dash cards on mobile, make collapse work
- FIX: Dashboard card overlap on slow connections
- FIX: Refresh credits on transfer or redeem
- FIX: Duplicates in ambassador probe card
- FIX: Probe tagging in ambassador probe card
- TWEAK: Searchbar for long tags
- TWEAK: Max width of RTT col in measurement results
- TWEAK: Truncate sha256 labels in msm details
2024-12-24 - UI/API changes
- CHANGE: Probeslist separate status and since columns
- FIX: Infinite redraw loop in msm detail overview when scrollbars present
- FIX: Apexcharts console errors when unmounting charts
- FIX: Logo svg console error